So the bakra.. errr the boy was introduced to Yudi who was to be the official undertaker err the host of the show.The plan went thus , Ba..oy was to perform 3 tasks(in increasing order of stup..danger) after which he would be awarded a diamond that he could present to Ms.Kohl.No , I don't think she had a choice when it came to design , caratage etc.This , when it comes to us fair species , who don't like half the things we choose!Its like being superman and having no po
1. Boy sings in a crowded mall
The boy was given a pair of bright red underpants and he was painted from head to toe like superman.He was also given a guitar .You would think the strains of the guitar would sufficiently drown his voice , but no , he turned out to be a visual and a vocal nightmare.
Hmm .. considering the idea was to pose him a challenge.
2. Boy wrestles with professional wrestlers
Boy has to wrestle with 5 beer bellied well-oiled(:D brains , you would think? but naah love challenge and all that) bodies.The idea is that the wrestlers need to pin down boy in chaddi(how much of this boy's chaddis we get to see!) for at least 10 seconds.If men in chaddis manage to do that ,
3. Boy needs to walk 100 yards while being set on fire.
The cherry on the icing.Ms.Kohl is present to preside over the event.
Yudi : "He needs to walk through these fire rings while being set on fire"
Boy : *I need to fight the Kargil war brave look*
Ms.K: *feigns unconsciousness*
Boy : "I will do it to prove my love to you"
Ms.K : (In a not very convincing way , its a DIAMOND at the end of the day) "Don't"
(Looks at him again .. *Don't take that too seriously*)
Bakra :*Looks on resignedly*(What is it with men?)
If he does it , she'll be happy .. for some time , he would have in fact raised the bar for himself.
If he doesn't , no self respecting girl would be seen with such a loser
Boy does the stunt.Comes out in flying flames.Girl has tears in her eyes.Happy Tears , considering she convinced the dweeb to pull off the stunt.
Subtexts running in my head ...
-Boy sings in a crowded mall
wearing a pair of under-pants.What kind of a man strips at the drop of a hat!
Boy wrestles with professional wrestlers
-My man has the brains of a louse and sadly not the body of a wrestler.
Boy needs to walk 100 yards while being set on fire.
- If this stunt went wrong , I could be sued by his folks ...
Or maybe , the truth is , I'm really growing old ...
ROFL :-D! Are you sure you weren't watching the Great Indian *laughter* challenge :-P?
What would we do without reality shows!!
these shows are so yucks!
you watch all this?@@@
but I say u wrote it with pun! and i loved reading it !
Archana : I wonder :)
Veens: Yes , on a Sunday night I can watch anything! Thank you :)